About School

Welcome to the Holy Angels BCV International School. We are situated in a beautiful campus of 6.5 acres located by the Trivandrum-Tirunelveli Highway. The school is run by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Board is headed by the Superior General Rev. Br. Velankanni Ravi SHJ, the Educational Secretary, Rev. Br. Gasper SHJ, the Correspondent Rev. Br. M.D. Vijo SHJ and the Principal Mrs. Sorna Latha, M.Sc., B.Ed.

The school was opened on the 1st June 2014 with 18 students and has grown steadily ever since. It was founded by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, thanks to the tireless efforts and vision of their former Superior General, Rev. Br. Victordass SHJ. The school works in close collaboration with Swiss schools that provide professional, educational advice and teacher enhancing programe. The letters BCV refer to the Swiss bank, Banque Cantonal Vaudoise who supported to establish the school.

The school has excellent modern facilities consisting of two buildings with large class rooms: a spacious upper primary/lower secondary school and an eco-friendly building for nursery and lower primary students. A brand new computer resource centre allows students of all ages to develop essential IT and technical skills.  In addition, the extensive sports grounds enable the students to participate in a wide range of physical activities and extra curricular activities – Archery, Skating, Tennis, Cricket, Karate, Silambam, Kalari, Chess, Music and Yoga.

The school is also supported enthusiastically by a Parents Committee with a President and committee members.

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